Thursday, October 2, 2008

Over the past year....

Chris and I recently celebrated our 1st anniversary! September 22. We had the chance to get away to the beach for the weekend and it was really nice. We spent a lot of time thinking and talking about everything that we have experienced over the last year of our marriage. It's been a great year - the best of my life actually - and I am so thankful that I can honestly say that.
Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that everything has been "sunshine and rainbows."
(I have problems with people acting like everything is perfect and never admitting that we all struggle in some ways. I don't understand why we think we need to be able to say that.) It's not like we have faced terribly awful things, but we have faced some tough things in a years' time. There have been really frustrating job situations, NEW jobs, deaths, moves, lots of unknowns, and more - and its tough to add regular life onto learning what it means to be a God-centered married couple and how to even BE married at all (clearly we never had been before and there is definitely lots to learn).
But, even with all of those things popping up into our lives, it has seriously still been the best year of my life so far. We have worked together through Chris's job on ministries created to reach families and children and it has been SO much fun and so worth the time and effort! We have gone to a lot of fun places! We got a puppy! We moved into a house (renting)! We have gotten to know each other's friends, and gained more! We have learned how to communicate better and how to make decisions together as a couple!
Basically, what it comes down to, is that I married a godly, thoughtful, sincere, and loving man and I think I am one of the luckiest girls in the whole wide world! He loves me better than any person on earth ever has!
I posted some pictures of us from the past year... On our wedding day, some family friends suprised us with a limo. :)

Sometimes I just wanna wear my dress again! ;)
We spent our honeymoon on an Island in was gorgeous.

AND we go to see the SOX on the GREEN MONSTER!

We spent the 1st 8 months in an apt, its a good memory... but we are SO thankful to be in a house now. :)

We have been able to go on a lot of little weekend trips in the past year, its been really nice to get away together. This one is in Charleston - one of our favorite places.

What can I say, I love him!

We both love being outside so we do that a lot too! (especially now that its fall!!!)

We have been to a gazillion weddings together in the past year too. :) I hope all of you guys have the best 1st year ever too!


Susan Sene said...

What a sweet post and how great to know your marriage is on the right track! Happy late anniversary!

Unknown said...

yay!! I loved this post!! You guys are so awesome!!

Chris Kauffman said...

I love you babe! Sorry I'm so to read blogs...