Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Awesome Book

So, I might end up blogging about books that I read pretty often, cause I read a lot. I went through a stage where I didn't really read very many fiction books, but I can't help it - I LOVE fiction...when it has a purpose.
Books like The Chronicles of Narnia, Hinds Feet on High Places, Safely Home (which i recently posted about) and Redeeming Love are some of the best ever. I love non fiction too, but its not as comforting as fiction for some reason. I love finding the deeper, hidden meanings and all that they make me think of.
Well, I can add The Shack to the list. Some conservative christians have slammed it...I guess it's not picture perfect enough for them. (It's a fiction book for a reason, have some imagination people). ;) But a lot of christians have also praised the author for the depth and insight he shares through his writing.
For someone like myself who sometimes struggles with grasping the depth of the love that God has for us, this book was very encouraging. I don't want to give away the story so I won't go into the details of why, but if you let it, this book will teach you.
I first heard about it from my friend John who suggested that EVERYONE read it. I'm glad I took his advice, it is definitely one of my favorites.


Susan Sene said...

I absolutely LOVED Redeeming Love -I think every woman should read it! :) This one sounds pretty interesting but I just don't ever read anymore...will have to get back in the habit.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the comments on my blog post! I just wanted to say that it's cool that you posted a blog about this book "The Shack", b/c this guy spoke at the Catalyst leadership conference i went to, and it sounds awesome!

Chris Kauffman said...

If I read more than a chapter a month I'd be done with it by now. But it is very good.