Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Little Help Please....

Yeah, it's been a while, so I will just go ahead and explode on this one...   :)

Ok - I have a question. God has most definitely been teaching me over the past couple of years. I have been stretched in learning to love people who are experiencing real need (in other words, those who have obvious needs that aren't being met for them but that ARE met for most of us) the point that my passion has been multiplied for loving them. I have had opportunities to act on that passion through Chris's job in a big way. There are so many children and families that we have gotten to know that just need someone to give them a break or to tell them that we care or to give them a little hope or somewhere to just be a kid and have fun. I love that. 
Unfortunately, I have also seen a lot that I cannot stomach. I have heard comments and seen actions that are so degrading, so judgemental, so hateful, so hurtful....and the problem is - they have all come from professing Christians. 
Now, I know that these things happen. I know that no one is perfect and I know that there will always be mistakes....but I WISH that I was only talking about occasional situations. IT'S ALL THE TIME. (Ok, not constantly, but just too much for me to take). My stomach is literally turning flips right now thinking about how much it disturbs me. It breaks my heart because not only are these fellow Christians, they are often times people I know and have had respect for.
My questions is - what do I do with this???
For a while, it just angered me. It is unexplainable behavior in terms of our purpose on this earth and the call we have from Jesus Christ. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing and it just made me angry. (and obviously still does).
THEN, it made me resolve to do the opposite. I am not perfect by any means, but I want to be sure that I am not writing anyone off with my comments or actions. I want to give grace and opportunity to those in need. 
NOW, I am at a new point. I know that I don't want to be that way. I know that I want to love those in need. But someone PLEASE help me to love blind-sighted Christians! I know that statement may sound horrible, and I don't mean it to sound that way. I just mean it! It is a sincere question. I have been praying about it and asking for my heart to be changed, but it is NOT easy. 
How am I acting any better than the Christians who are judging and writing off the weak and needy if I am judging and writing off them???
I want to know how to love them. Sometimes I feel like I am getting it, sometimes I know I'm not. I don't think I can perfect this, but does anyone have any insight to help me learn?
I don't want to be a jerk and I don't want to be the extreme opposite of the original issue. I want to be like Jesus but I am struggling to learn how to align my heart in this area. 
It's kind of hard for me to write this, but I figured it was worth it if anyone had any good advice or input.

1 comment:

The Kauffmans said...

So i'm commenting on my own post...interesting that no one else has. Haha. (although there may be 2 people that read this). Susan did give me some advice. (thanks :)
Maybe people read it and thought I am an awful heretic. Maybe people read it and thought I was worked up over nothing. Maybe no one read it.
It's still a sincere, heart felt, deeply seeking question.
I believe God is teaching me...I'm trying to listen well.
Why is life so confusing? Haha. ;)