God is good.
It's a true statement. In the past couple of years I have realized it on a new level. We make the statement and hear the statement often, and it's great that we seek to make it known, but I think it's one of those things that is easy to hear/say without really processing it's depth.
It's not just a response for when something positive happens in someone's life, though I feel like that is how we most often hear it used.
So anyway, I was thinking in church that we COULD say GOOD IS GOD instead....
Haha, I know, you are thinking "WHY would we need to do that?".
Well....we don't need to do that. I was just processing the fact that we CAN interchange those words to reinforce the meaning of the phrase.
See, it's not just that God does things that are good, therefore we can state that he IS good, it's that God DEFINES good. We know what good is because it is the essence of God. It's not Him deciding to be good, it's Him being Him!
Isn't that so perfect?
Our God IS good!
Don't know if it makes sense to anyone else, but it was a good thing for me to spend some time thinking about...even if it was during the service. ;)