Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Safely Home"

My cousin Sarah recommended THIS book to me right before Chris and I went to NYC & Boston. I didn't know if I would have any time to read besides on the plane, but I love to read so I got the book and figured I would get to it at some point.
Well I ended up reading it pretty quickly because it is so amazing that I could hardly put it down.
I don't want to give away the story, but EVERYONE should read it. 
It has changed my worldview in so many ways, and opened my eyes to realities that I was blind to. 
I already know a few other people who have read it and they all agree with me so you need to read it! :) It will grow you, I promise. AND it will make you cry, but that's ok. 

Do it! ;)

1 comment:

Hopeful said...

I agree!!! One of the BEST books I've ever read!!